Visual Management Enables Program Improvement

  Visual management is a form of communication used in management which has roots in manufacturing operations, like Lean and Six Sigma, but with opportunities to apply to many other industries, including healthcare. The goal of any visual management is to translate information into a format that is quickly and easily understood at a high…

Corazon Accreditation Seal

The Value of Cardiovascular Accreditation

What is the Value of Corazon’s Cardiovascular Accreditation? Corazon is known for accrediting cardiovascular programs of all sizes throughout the United States. Unlike other accrediting bodies, however, Corazon Accreditation is more than just a means to achieve state requirements. We are a strategic partner, one whose value comes from a collaborative and consultative approach to…

Accreditation Assurances Can Lead to Media Celebrations

Promoting Your Cardiovascular Accreditation With the continued rise of social media use across many and varied platforms, most of us are used to seeing near-constant posts and messages about the accomplishments of our peers, friends, and colleagues.  This can naturally lead to self-reflection and -comparison.  And sometimes, parallels emerge between our personal and professional lives,…

Best Practice Perspectives: External Peer Review

The concept of peer review within healthcare service lines can be likened to a type of preventive maintenance, much like hospital equipment  that involves regularly-scheduled check-ups to avoid a costly fix.   Because, why wait for an event to trigger an investigative review and subsequent expensive repair or replacement?  In many situations the “retrospective” review comes…

Corazon’s Levels of Accreditation

The cardiovascular service line continues to be a primary focus for regulatory bodies, quality groups, and professional clinical organizations, and as a result, remains competitive for hospitals in markets across the country. Many hospital leaders need to consider strategies for market distinction, including program accreditation. Gaining momentum as a differentiator, formal accreditation of either the…