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Webinar Recording – Today’s Telehealth: Neuro Program Development

Incidence rates for major neurologic diseases such as Stroke, Parkinson’s, Epilepsy, Dementias and Headache/Migraines are on the rise. And, despite the significant advancements in stroke treatments we have seen in the last 10 years, stroke remains the 5th leading cause of death in the US. Many hospitals are working to expand their pool of neurologists to meet the increasing demand but struggle to fill the gap given the current provider shortages. Teleneurology may be the answer.

Teleneurology has been utilized in rural stroke programs for many years and was even expanded to use in urban and suburban hospitals in 2019 with the passage of the FAST Act. And, now with the successful implementation of telemedicine for primary care and many specialties including neurology during the pandemic there is opportunity for a more permanent adoption of teleneurology for neurologic disease management in addition to stroke care.

Implementing a teleneurology program could be the key in improving patient access to neurologic care and treatment and may even represent the difference between life and death when talking about stroke intervention.

Our experts discussed:

  • An overview of teleneurology and the impact it has on ensuring best practice perspectives
  • Necessary steps to starting a successful teleneurology program
  • Assessing program strengths and any potential gaps
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