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Webinar Recording – Telehealth Considerations for Equipment, Staffing, & Patient Capacity Models

Telehealth has quickly become the new normal as everyone works to manage through this pandemic and has proven to be a very viable solution for managing patients and their health needs. We will begin to transition from the quarantine closures to an open status, but what will our new normal look like and how long will it take? Telehealth is likely here for the long term. You may have quickly stood up your Telemedicine Services to meet the immediate demands, but now is the time to begin integrating Telehealth with your in-person visitation practice for the future.

In this webinar, Corazon’s experts addressed these key questions:

  • Are you prepared to assess your patients’ preferences in the short term as well as the long term for continued use of Telehealth?
  • How will you operationalize schedules to accommodate in-person and Telehealth visits?
  • What should your staffing model look like to meet the needs of both patients in the office and patients waiting at home to visit via Telehealth?
  • Does the ability to see patients via Telehealth affect your capacity model?

Join Corazon for the next installment in our series of telehealth webinars as we answered these items and discussed other insights as we help our clients prepare for the “New Normal”. Knowledge and proper planning are the keystones of any solid Telehealth strategy…let Corazon help you further develop yours!

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