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Webinar Recording – Physician-Hospital Alignment & Communications: Strategies to Ensure Collaboration
The ability to collaborate with medical staff within a beneficial alignment model is now more important than ever. With the rapidly changing healthcare environment and uncertainty for both hospitals and physician practices, essential factors such as quality, reimbursement, and cost are considerations for focusing on a win-win proposition to benefit all parties.
This webinar identified the necessary steps to be prepared for the new delivery paradigm in healthcare – a model that mandates a foundation of physician / hospital relationships based on trust, respect, and the open and honest sharing of information, which is crucial in transitioning to specialty-driven, patient centered approach. Participants learned essential strategies to address the complexities of this care delivery model from both the hospital and physician perspectives – the key elements of working together for the mutual benefit of all will be showcased.
Our experts discussed the following key considerations during the webinar:
- An overview of various partnership models and alignment strategies with focus on the pros and cons for each available today, along with legal and operational implications
- Communication strategies to ensure engagement and successful integration
- The importance of metrics and how to establish cost, quality, and operational goals
- Fair market value and performance-based compensation models
The ability to remain competitive within your own market will be enhanced by integration of these strategies to optimize clinical, operational, and financial performance.
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Disclaimer: Please note that Corazon Webinars are intended for individuals affiliated with hospitals, health systems, physician practices, and other healthcare delivery organizations. We apologize for any inconvenience.