Corazon Library
Webinar Recording – Peer Review: Q&A Roundtable with Our Physician Experts
Attendees of this session gained clear understanding of the multi-faceted goals and rationale of Peer Review, in the context of both quality assurance/maintenance and performance improvement. Through roundtable format with several of Corazon’s Peer Reviewers and Medical Advisors, participants heard unique perspectives and had the chance to ask questions about how and why this strategy should be top of mind amid ever-increasing focus and scrutiny on program quality and operations.
Attendees heard information about:
- Why ongoing peer review is important for a program/hospital
- The best way to use peer review findings to drive continuous quality improvement
- The physician perspective from both sides – conducting peer review and being peer reviewed
- The greatest value of an ongoing external peer review process
- Positive impacts peer review has on individual physician behavior
- Perspectives from Corazon peer review clients related to the value of ongoing external peer review
- And more…
Make a difference in the quality and efficiency of your care delivery! Learn how Peer Review can benefit your clinical, operational, and financial outcomes with this recorded session.
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Disclaimer: Please note that Corazon Webinars are intended for individuals affiliated with hospitals, health systems, physician practices, and other healthcare delivery organizations. We apologize for any inconvenience.