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Webinar Recording – Cardiac Surgery: Assessing Your Situation & The Five Keys to Success
Cardiac Surgery programs are facing tremendous pressure to ensure quality, profitability, and overall viability, particularly as the county recovers from the COVID-19 crisis. Corazon’s experts have first-hand experience with many industry trends that challenge today’s existing CT surgery programs, including those that are working to establish new programs and expand advanced surgical offerings. Many OHS programs have worked to stabilize their surgical volume, focus on outcomes, and implement strategies to grow their patient base. It’s important to have a coordinated Cardiac Surgical program, which can ensure prosperity for this vital service – so, your program will not only survive, but thrive!
Join Corazon’s experts as they discussed:
- An update on the state of the OHS industry and conditions that affect market entrance, program stability, and growth;
- How to access the impact of COVID-19 on OHS delivery now and into the future;
- How to perform an adequate assessment of your OHS program with “The Five Keys”;
- Ways to achieve excellence in your OHS program; and,
- An approach for driving OHS program quality and excellence through accreditation.
Learn how to position your Cardiac Surgery Program for success by maximizing internal operational efficiencies, producing consistent and meaningful financial reports, and exceeding national standards in cardiac surgical clinical outcomes.
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Disclaimer: Please note that Corazon Webinars are intended for individuals affiliated with hospitals, health systems, physician practices, and other healthcare delivery organizations. We apologize for any inconvenience.