Corazon Library

Stroke: A Timeline of Results
Stroke continues to represent a major focus not only for front line care providers, but also for governmental health agencies, various regulatory bodies, pre-hospital providers, and many hospital leaders. Corazon believes it to be imperative that every organization be aware of the current clinical capabilities related to the care of stroke patients, AND the potential risks to any organization that has not made an integrated approach to acute stroke care a strategic priority.
Learn About:
- Compelling Industry Trends
- The Story of Stroke: Past, Present, and Future
- Certification Requirements
- Emerging Technology
- And More…
This White Paper outlines the rationale for creating a formalized system of stroke care through a dedicated Stroke Center model. Hospitals are just now realizing the impact of the growing number of stroke patients on operations, quality, and the bottom line — learn more about how to manage these patients with access to care and clinical quality as the cornerstones for your Stroke Center development efforts…eating patients in need of vascular care. Learn more about this booming sub-specialty today!
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Disclaimer: Please note that Corazon White Papers are intended for individuals affiliated with hospitals, health systems, physician practices, and other healthcare delivery organizations. We apologize for any inconvenience.